The second week in Swaziland we had an intensive week in the Preschool TEacher Training. 2 classes had about 40 periods each. It became a very busy week. In addition to students from year 1 and 2 there were also about 13 former students who came back to upgrade their exams to diploma. It was very exciting when we were together with about 65-70 students for morning devotion. The songs in different voices is something one need to experience!
The students at the morning devotion. Kirsti in the picture to the left.
Winile is one of the lecturers at the college. She is well known of many since she took her master degree at Queen Maud University College in Norway. She was teaching a number of lessons during the week. She is also the headmistress of the demonstration preschool.
Winile teaching. Kirsti and I was also teaching this first week together with Evy Surdal and some part time lecturers in English and Health/nutrition. Evy did a great job in teaching them how to make teddy bears and puppets etc. Students were very enthusiastic!
Early Wednesday morning I drove to Maputo. In the afternoon I was teaching in a seminar for about 50 preschool teachers. My theme was how to help children develop a positive self image.I also gave them some group work. The participants showed a great involvement!
Next day I went with Bernardo (a Mozambiquan brother who has been working to get the documents through the ministry of education) and Leif- a missionary- to meetings in the Ministry of Education. The meetings were positive, and we got more precice information about all the documents our application need to contain for recognition by the Ministry. In the afternoon we had a meeting with 3 staff from the pedagogical university of Maputo. They were quite interested in our plan, and were willing to assist in teaching in our course.
After this week I went back to Norway to have two weeks of intensive teaching at Queen Maud University in Trondheim, Norway. It was part of the deal to let me go to Africa that I had to come back for some teaching. I am here the two last weeks of January. It gave me the opportunity to stay with Hanna and Sean and see my first gradchild Isak. He is a very beautiful boy who is developing every day...
Isak, our first gradson, is an active and joyful boy who knows how to charm is grandpa.